Saturday, February 7, 2009


19 DAYS to go.
Mum is making me eat 3 different kinds of pills. Dad brought home some mysterious looking syrup that is supposed to help rejuvenate my memory. It had Brahmi in it, if that means anything to you. Didn't mean anything to me except a terribly bitter taste.

Mum is taking extra precautions that a mosquito doesn't even get within a mile(er, meter) of me. She is industriously spraying my room with insect repellents as a result of which even i get repelled from my room.

She is telling me not to skid on the marble floor which i am exceptionally fond of. She forbade me from jumping on the bed the other day. Dad scolded me because i got a little excited in the terrace.



I climbed the water tank. The water tank is on the roof of the stairway that opens to the terrace. I had to maintain my balance on the railing, i was so happy to realise i didn't have vertigo. I climbed under the water tank, climbed on top of the water tank. Couldn't quite climbed into it because well, its the water tank. Why? Because i felt like climbing. Flawless reason, that.

There's a construction going on in front of our building. My crazy ball(very aptly named, i suddenly realised) took a beautiful dive from my window and straight into the green pool that contains god-knows-what in the corner of the construction site. My heart sank but the ball didn't. That inspired me.
Avoiding my mum with the stealth acquired as a result of centuries of practice(yea, i like exaggeration), i slipped out of the house. Scaling the wall, i stood in front of the pool, trying to decide the best course of action. I found a forlorn looking but sturdy bamboo(not in its popular metaphoric sense)beside the pool. Taking that bamboo i tried to poke the ball.
I did succeed in poking the ball but it was only after i poked the ball that i realised i shouldn't have. Me and hindsight. It just floated away from me, bobbing as if mocking my stupidity.
I moved ahead. Precariously balanced at the edge of the pool, i tried to pull the ball towards me. The ground near my foot began cracking and pieces of mud fell into the pool. I ignored it and went forward leaning dangerously. But my instincts worked with unexpected, sudden, welcome alacrity. The bamboo pole was approximately 10 foot long. I decided to check how deep the pool was. Just in case.
So, i took the bamboo and drove it vertically into the water and let it go. I never saw it again, it went straight in. Probably it was the bubbles or the disgusting green colour, but i lost interest in trying to retrieve the ball.

Its so rarely that i hear the "doog-doog" sound of the monkey-wallah that yesterday, when i heard it, i couldn't resist the urge to go out and take a look at the monkeys. They were friendly looking fellows making faces at every passer by. I returned the scowls with substantial interest. Now i admit it that i am not really adept at monkey language but apparently that particular monkey thought otherwise.
I made a remarkable face and some remarkably nonsensical noises. Apparently that meant something because the monkey took offence. It scratched my arm when i ventured too close. Mum said monkey scratches aren't dangerous. Phew!

Seen lizards up close? I did. This particularly brave one took a dip in my coffee. It died, poor fellah, but i would have followed suit if its treacherous tail didn't give it away.

I have a chip in my shoulder. Literally. It happened when i underestimated the height of the cupboard.It hurts, i tell you.

And i end with a piece of advice. Never SMS and make omlettes simultaneously. The probability of you coming out with a unburnt omlette and all limbs intact, is nil. I did that. But thankfully, i realised my folly early, just got a burnt forefinger. Left forefinger.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Kolkata is claustrophobic. Kolkata is kaleidoscopic. Kolkata is beautiful. Kolkata is filthy. Kolkata has a culture. Kolkata is infamous. Kolkata has people. Kolkata has monsters. Kolkata has terrorists. Kolkata has saints. Kolkata has tress. Kolkata has smoke.Kolkata has me. Kolkata also has ______. Kolkata isn't perfect. That's why it is perfect.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I was studying history. The fact isn't really relevant but i thought i would mention it anyway. The point is, i was studying history and was in an absolutely wonderful mood. My subconscious mind registered that a truck had pulled up in front of our building. It was full of stones, there's a building under construction right in front of ours. The men opened the latch that held the stones in the back of the track. The stones rushed out with that characteristic gravely sound, the delightful sound of flowing stone. The intensity of the sound decreased progressively till it was just a trickle, the trickle of a few rocks rolling out of the floor, almost reluctantly. And then, the sound of silence. How long did it last? 5 seconds? 7 seconds? It sounded uniquely refreshing. And it changed my mood.

Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.--Mark twain.