Thursday, January 5, 2012

Beyond the sem

I was worried that the bad thing which was supposed to kill me in 2012 was really my end semesters. Hah, I lived through it.

After the exam, we had lunch at Azad Hind Dhaba, and it was here that Bambi noticed that he didn't know the person who was sitting opposite to him. It was Farah, Wasim's cousin.

Bambi smiled, and said," Hey, I haven't seen you before, right?"
Farah was so engrossed in Priyanka's illustration of "nyaka" that she didn't hear that. Bambi stared for a solid 5 seconds and then turned towards me.
"I hate it when that happens." he said.
I choked on my kebab. Text book stuff, that!

Wasim made us walk all the way from the food place to his home. I thought it would be cool if I could include a link showing the entire route on Google maps, but I am too lazy. We saw one of those cool NFS-ey black and white cop cars, and I went up to the driver and asked him how many of those are in town. The amused driver told me that Salt Lake had only one. I swear that I was going to ask him if it could do spike strips but Bambi gave me one of his looks. I also taught Priyanka how to sing whiskey lullaby with three hajmola candys in your mouth. It's an art and if I am in a good mood, I can teach you for free.

We spent the afternoon at Wasim's grandma's. We played bluff and I realised that I was getting shamelessly good at it. Then we tried the good old memory game because the girls started complaining whenever we played FIFA. I discovered that using your OWN name in a memory game serves two purposes-
1. It makes everybody remember your name. Even Wasim's cousin, who knew me as Rick, remembers my name now.
2. It's easier to remember your own name than, say, carpet, especially when it is preceded by America and followed by flowers.

We also decided that "doing a bambi" officially means being late. Farah found it strange that some of us call Bambi "Bum", but by the time I was done explaining, I had found yet another admirer of the clever wordplay involved in Bumbee-Bambi.

I stayed over at Sayantan's last night. Sayantan has two dogs- An alsatian (although some members of his family swear that he is really a german shepherd) and a black dog of unidentifiable breed. The big alsatian baby sucks my great toe whenever he can reach it. It's really very harmless but I dislike a sticky toe, and I  freak out imagining all the awesome things that the dog could do to my toe. Sheru the dog is also very fond of my butt. He must imagine that I hide exciting things there because he sniffs it enthusiastically whenever I have my back turned to him which is surprisingly often because he keeps moving around me. It's strange also because I don't have many bones down there...

The next morning, I was woken up around 7 by what sounded like a guy humming a single tune over and over again. It was Sayantan singing his favourite song. The fact that he knows only a couple of lines does naught to discourage him, but it certainly compels ME to discourage him. In fact, it makes me lose sleep.

Cursing softly, I woke up to see what Sayantan was doing in the next room. I entered, mentally choosing the perfect early morning expletives, and then I saw it. He was bent over a copy-A BIOCHEMISTRY COPY- revising TCA cycle the day after our first sems ended. As I cleared my throat, he looked up and grinned sheepishly. I slowly walked over, looked at the cycle..and pointed out the mistake that I KNEW he had made.

We caught the earliest possible show off any movie ever by watching A game of shadows at 9:15. It was an entertaining two hours. I attempted to impress everyone by recognizing the theme music which is "Discombobulate" by Hans Zimmer. I should thank Ratul for making me listen to it. At that moment, however, I called it Bamboozle. They don't know that yet, obviously.