Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Incredible Smiling Banshee

There are very few people I know whom I hate. I mean, I really hate. And standing on top of that exclusive list is a certain lady smiling benignly at everyone around.

To all Admirers of this teacher: - Don’t take this personally. It’s just my opinion I am expressing. I am not claiming to have any right to pass judgment on her.


I let out a groan as the bell rang. Well, I didn’t have anything personal against the bell but in this particular case, it presaged the arrival of our English teacher.

In class IX I liked attending the English classes but in class X all that vanished as soon as I had one class. No surprise really, the teacher is largely responsible for encouraging a student. This teacher did anything but.

She entered the class suddenly, trying to catch us doing something not so legit. Students hastily scrambled to their seats while she surveyed the class with a gradually widening smirk. I must say that the two things that I detest about this woman is her banshee like voice which she uses to great effect and her awful smile/smirk/grin- it was all the same for her.

After a minute or so when most of the class had settled down she said.”Today, we will do letter writing. You have done formal letters before?” she asked with a horrible travesty of a genial smile.

There was a confused murmur of assent and apparently satisfied, she turned toward the board and began scribbling.

Debarun leaned towards me and whispered for perhaps the hundredth time “You know, I know more English than she does.”

I nodded fervently. If I didn’t, then it would lead to an argument and arguments between me and Debarun were best not started. And I didn’t fancy standing up and explaining to the teacher.

Some boy chose that moment to laugh.

Aunty whipped around and stared hard at him.

“You boy, stand up!”

He did.

“Why did you laugh?” she asked with that unbearable smile back on her face.

“Aunty, he tickled me!”He said, pointing towards the guy to his right.

At this the entire class broke out into chuckles and giggles.

She raised her eyebrows quizzically and said,” In my class you shall not laugh stupidly.”

Then after some consideration she added, “And neither shall you laugh cleverly.”


And then smiling contemptuously she proceeded to give the board her undivided attention and resumed scribbling.

I groaned again, really fed up with this teacher. She has this ability to bore people into silent submission. I groaned louder hoping to get an opportunity to snap back at her.

Totally by mistake I paid attention to what she was writing. It was the month of May and we were doing such an impressive job of resisting both the heat and her but she wrote the month as December.

I was too lazy to point out but someone obviously did because the next second she turned around and offered the worst imitation of a sheepish grin that I have ever seen or likely to see.

“I think that a laugh may be permitted in this situation.” She said sweetly.

She continued smiling and suddenly realizing that no one was reciprocating she turned back to the board.

I would have ever been able to forgive myself if I had smiled that day.


Rohitashwa said...

All I know about madhusree aunty is that she's very good at handiwork, and crafts. SO i can't possibly pass too much judgement on this.
But, whatever you wrote did have its desired effect. I have been infused wit ur point of view, and if i do come across her again, i'm likely to look upon her with that very point of view!

Kiki said...

this - woman- is a freak.. there's no other word for it. i hated everything about her classes, ryt from her making us write long pointless discussions on if or making us write stupid cliched letters or her appearing very punctually ten minutes before the bell rang. hateful!

Dev said...

i assure you that that wasnt exaggerated. She is a hateful woman. and that was only her nature. If i go on to describe the perfectly worthless things she made us write(all the while smiling, mind) it would require two or three more posts and i am NOT interested in writing about her any more.

Oh yes, those letters and notes...
that woman was responsible for my losing interest in letter writing! :(

Rohitashwa said...

Eh, then thats bad news, cause she'll definitely be teaching some portion of EFL in 11 and 12!

Rara Avis said...

But she smiled so sweetly at us during the exhibition! And she was so much more encouraging than Ruchira Aunty!
Let's not get prejudiced, Roro. Let's check her out first!

Rohan said...

You didn't intend to make an understudy of Dolores Umbridge, did you, by any chance? Because you've really made this woman act like that particular fictional character.
And just one more thing- do try not to use real names or identities so much. The lady you've talked about might be pretty tech-savvy, and I can assure you she will not be pleased with such a portrait of hers.

Dev said...

But Mr Cat, I didnt twist the truth at all! Its just facts. And WHY DIDNT I MAKE THE CONNECTION? She read Harry Potter and decided to imbibe Umbridge's qualities... of course!

P.S: thank you 4 d warning...i will take precautions in the future.