Friday, May 8, 2009

devil incarnate

If you have seen The Mummy, you'll know what i am talking about. Well, if you haven't seen The Mummy, then too you'll know what i am talking about anyway. I'll make sure of that.

I despise roaches. It may not be the most advertised or quoted fact, but that doesn't undermine its gravity. And the fact that they look like they are wearing mismatched shades with nothing but sinister intent in their eyes doesn't help matters. So, naturally, the incident brought out the best in me. Or, worst from the roach's perspective.

I was sitting on my table, happily contemplating how my friends would react to the intrusion of a poisoned slug in their alimentary system. The weather was humming along as well, warm sunshine sneaked in through the narrow gaps in between the curtain, Mum, exceptionally pleased that i cleaned by table, had put some fresh flowers on my table. A happy atmosphere in general. Things were perfect, that is, until the cockroach decide to cause mayhem.

It appeared out of nowhere, and landed precisely on the spine of my Comprehensive chemistry.

"Nice position, Moron!" I though evilly as i snapped the book shut.

But the cockroach had inhuman reflexes! Well, yeah, it wasn't human, but um, the point is it escaped.

And it escaped right beneath my chair. I don't know about you guys, but I have serious issues with roaches under my chair.

So, i fled to call for reinforcements.

After a minute of hasty planning, mum and i appeared, armed to teeth. Me, holding a destructive mortein all-insect killer. Mum, a jharu and a hawaii, Bruce Lee style.

She supported me in my crusade against roaches.

We found the vermin seeking cover behind my P.C. My heart sank. I could never risk hurting my P.C. While i was busy getting sentimental, Mum was all business. She took up a sponge ball from somewhere, and aimed it at the cockroach.

The clairvoyant cockroach dived out of the way before she threw the ball. Mum advanced with all the skills of a veteran roach hunter. There are a number of advantages of having a dangerously smart mum. On my side, of course. She gave me some complicated instruction to get my positioning and timing right as she determined the roach's reaction. She really understands roaches, you know. Life-long enemies know a lot about each other.

She lunged. The roach jumped out from behind its cover, shot a few murderous glances at us, and disappeared behind the dustbin.
Tasting victory, i planted mum at the door who looked terrifying with that jhata.

I carefully positioned myself. Careful in case i was ambushed.

And ambushed i was, but the caution paid off. I ducked out off the way as i realised that the cockroach had activated its last weapon. Wings.

"Two pairs of membranous wings from the meta thoracic region..."

Damn Membranous! They sure worked, and thats what counted!

"Mum, I-" I stopped midway as i looked at the door. My back-up had betrayed me. Mum had fled at the sight of the infernal wings. And she had locked the door behind her. I was all alone. And I had to fend for myself.

"Treachery!" My heart screamed, "Traitor!"

My brain began calculating the odds of my success. Nothing turned up. No, i thought, its no good thinking I'm like Danny Maclean.

The rest, as they say, is history. Except that no one knows about this bit of history. Its been carefully suppressed by conspirators.

I took on the devil-incarnate-cockroach. i decided to finish it once and for all. I fired with the mortein.

I injured it, but it was yet to die. It flew at me. I evaded it yet again, and managed to hit it with a newspaper. I picked up a hawaii, and threw it at the roach.

It scurried out of the way.

I was about to deliver the final blow when it went to the window and flew away. To fight another day.

Sigh. I wait for thee, cockroach, to settle scores.


Rara Avis said...

Wow! The writing really IS something! Why don't the Hollywood directors hire you to plot their fight sequences? (NOT sarcasm!)

And the grammar...sigh! Just when you were beginning to get somewhere!

Rohan said...

"I was sitting on my table, happily contemplating how my friends would react to the intrusion of a poisoned slug in their alimentary system."- Rick, which friends were these?
I don't know if you're aware of it, but there's a remarkable invention called bug spray. I suggest you keep one handy.
Besides, bugs come in all sizes, you know.

Dev said...

@ Cat- Oh um, many friends. Many.=)

Mortein IS supposed to be an all insect killer.

The cockroach was made up of hard stuff. And, besides a showdown with a Hawaii in one hand and a newspaper in another has a certain old world charm about it. =)