Monday, May 4, 2009

When the clock says-"Rant!"

Why do i grudge people so much? i shouldn't begrudge people the little things that make them. Its a confession of sorts, but well i promise not to do so again. Its involuntary, you know. Wish knowing something was synonymous to "realising and accepting" something. Wish things were easy. Simple. At least, thats my wish for now.

I owe biology a sincere apology. I was fundamentally wrong in my assessment of the subject. I was too hasty in branding it a subject without life. In broadcasting that it was an unworthy subject. Feels extremely stupid in hindsight. Biology is beautiful. Reading about Centrosomes, as sir went deeper and deeper, you tend to feel small as you realise what is REALLY going on in that body of yours. Its unreal, life.

I mean, contemplating life biologically or, anyway for that matter, is too cumbersome a though for a frail brain like mine. The feeling that authors describe in their book through a character in his deathbed.
"What a marvel of creation..."

Its the same feeling of smallness that I get when i stare at stars for too long.

And my latest realisation is the tadpolistic outlook. Did you know that a human from a tadpolistic outlook is almost inhuman? Please don't duh, for unlike most, i try to think out of the box. There are two types of people who do that. Genius and Mental. Now, i wouldn't give you unscrupulous people the liberty to chose one of them for me.

Tadpoles have potential to rock the world. A tadpole is a human's alter-ego. We all have a tadpole self. Try looking at the world through tadpole eyes. Try the tadpole confidence. The world will seem a better place, tadpolistically speaking.

Anything for a change, trust me, anything for a change. Boys like me get desperate easily. So they should stop testing me so often.

I should never be trusted with power. I will lose my head. I am rather pleased to give advice to the power-man and criticize him. This also shows that i am essentially an irresponsible spineless git. But the truths the truth.

Recently i am being peed on a lot by babies. In malda, and now, at a friend's place. Its fun even. Optimistically speaking. I treat babies very well, no thanks. Its not any revenge whatsoever. Expunge that thought from your mind.

This is true rambling. Guess midnight brings out the true rambler in me. What with so many things to keep me busy throughout the day.

Oh my its already 12:30! Goodnight!


Unknown said...

This was a true rambler's post! Midnight always does. Sometimes the magic of the night, at 12, makes people reflective.. and of course, there are times when you just cant help rambling on about absolutely nothing and still quite a lot of "something"-s. But this post was really original!

And "tadpole" point of view - ?!

Keep writing!

Rara Avis said...

"Why do i grudge people so much? i shouldn't begrudge people the little things that make them. Its a confession of sorts, but well i promise not to do so again."

Not much of a confession, according to me, unless you mail me and tell me who and what you begrudge. It's good to begrudge, though. I always am. Feels nice to feel vile.

"Biology is beautiful."
Yes, I sincerely agree that midnight does bring out many things...

Tadpolistically speaking, this was a nice tadpole blog!

Rohitashwa said...

U r delightfully whimsical.

U have also after a lot of effort successfully managed to lose ur mind completely. And yes, its the genius thats being manifested, not the other option.

Dev said...

Cheers, Roro! =D i happily believe you!

I make a pretty good rambler, yeah.

@Timmy-Thats why i said "sort of" confession. Bio is.

@Deya- Original rambling, eh?! hehe, good!

Rohitashwa said...

Rick, you remind me of something that Ogden Nash once said. Ofcourse, what he particularly DID say, i have forgotten.

Dev said...

Wow, Roro. thats um, yeah, good.

Sroyon said...

You realise the irony of calling Biology a lifeless subject, don't you?

Dev said...

@ sroyon da- Er, well thats what struck me as ironical. That biology was lifeless, but well, it certainly isn't.