Tuesday, August 11, 2009

this place needs a blog.

If I blog now, try as i might, i will NOT be able to prevent it from being an echo of Prat's. Homework has attained new meaning in my life. Long gone are the days when homework meant writing a page of A,B,C,D to submit to your teacher the next day...(I figure that since i am going to lament growing up, why not begin at the beginning?)

I should write about our teachers. However, I should respectfully refrain keeping in view the theory put forward by Rohan. What if there are more like Trinanjan sir? tech savvy teachers who stumble on to my blog? It might be unpleasant for me, i am forced to think, and so, i will be um, euphemistic. The feelings between us-me and the teachers- run high and low through very jittery regions, and the description might turn out to be very unfavorable for them.

I could, for instance, talk about Dilip sir and his very attractive personality. His articulation, his attitude, his...ah, i need to stop with the sarcasm. A teacher, i must remind myself.

And then, the direct antithesis of Dilip sir, Arijit Sir. I could marry that guy.

They say that school life is fun. Its not always apparent, not when we are going through what we are going through. But i guess, things after this are gonna be like, radically different. And thats not good. Cause i fear change in general. Cause I miss bad memories too.

I will stop before this blog transcends the barrier of sense.


Rara Avis said...

It had just begun to sniff at the border! You stopped too soon!

Rohan said...

You stopped where good taste meets sensation.
The man's articulation. His wonderful quotations. His fine sense of percussion. So much can be stated about him...privately perhaps.
You might want to migrate to the EU then. Fabulous for chemistry and also for unions of the sort you discussed.
You miss bad memories too? Rick, so do I! Nothing quite like remembering over a cup of morning tea (or sludge, depending upon who brews it) the number of times you stood outside a classroom, winking at certain teenage beauty queens while inside, scowling individuals roared on about the Sepoy mutiny; or all the amusing insults directed against you by people you thought actually liked you, or (and here's the punchline): remembering with a jolt just how eerily the final score on your Zoology diagram resembled an egg.
Of course, the 'you' is universal. It doesn't refer to you.

Dev said...

You da man, Rohan, you da man. just remember one thing-You hog all the spotlight in my blog! :P


Unknown said...

Yes PRECISELY! I agree completely with Tima!

Kiki said...

i agree with devpriyo now.. though i cherish no particular memory of my geography classes, they are the ones that always make me trudge thru the chemistry lessons!