Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day.

In the absence of any better topic I decided to write about my life. No, I don’t intend to start another pointless paragraph on how confused I am but instead I will describe a typical day in my life though I can’t promise that this would be any more interesting.

The sun was just up. I was walking along the bank of a river. The color of the river water was ocher. Suddenly I halted. I could hear the faint melody of someone singing. Then it happened.

All at once, the world around me began to change. Ominous grey war-clouds hung low in the sky and I could hear sporadic gunfire. Suddenly I saw a soldier materialize out of nowhere and throw a grenade towards me with frightening precision. It bounced on my head and dropped at my feet. As I looked at it, it began to beep. The beep steadily grew louder and then there was a flash.
I opened my eyes. I could still hear the beep. I looked around fascinated because it took me some time to realize I was in my own room. I could still hear the beep-beep. I looked up.
My mum was staring at me, eyes narrowed, holding an alarm clock right beside my ears.

“…..calling you for an hour and you don’t wake up till I practically stuff the alarm clock in your ears. You went to sleep at 11, right? Its 7 o clock!” she said, shocked.

“Aright now, lemme get up. I was tired…” I began groggily but she cut across me.

“On your table with Life Science within 5 minutes.”


The picture of he mosquito sucking something looked very interesting but that still did not explain why the picture was gradually getting bigger and bigger. Soon, all I could see was the face of the mosquito and then-

“Rick!” my mum shouted. I was sleeping peacefully, with my head on the life science book.

“You are sleeping again?” She asked incredulously.

“Sleeping? No! I was thinking, mum.” I said defensively.

“Really? About what?”She asked raising her eyebrows.

“Well about how it feels-“

“But you are reading about mosquitoes.”

“About how it feels to be a mosquito, yes, sucking blood and all, you know, from a different perspective.” I invented wildly.

“I see, and why was your head on the book?”

“I was looking at the picture from up close…er…trying to count the number of hairs on the proboscis, its helps to determine if-“

I stopped seeing the look on mum’s face that gave an indication that something very unpleasant was about to happen.

“You need to know something” she said dangerously.

Moron that I am, I asked “what?”

“1> I came district first in Madhyamik.
2> I did honours in Physics.
3> I am YOUR mother.”

“Right” I said and said no more. Privately, I think my mother is working on modern techniques of intimidation while my dad is still a dinosaur.


“Rick dada, May I take this glass?” asked my brother pointing at the magnifying glass on my table.

“What? Yeah, sure, just don’t break it.”


I was surprised to see that my 7 year old brother took my history book and went to the window. I thought maybe he was trying to have fun reading the long words.

I suddenly saw a thin column of smoke drifting across me eyes. I looked around and found the source of the smoke. My history book.

I snatched the book from him and looked at the two big holes where Subhas chandra’s glasses were supposed to be. He mistook the look on my face for amazement.

“We can make fire with a glass!” He said enthusiastically, believing I was about to extol him.

I looked at him.


I was stuck at a difficult problem. I began to think (honestly, this time I was thinking). I looked out of my window at the road trying to find a break. I didn’t know how or why but I entered into some kind of trance. Suddenly I saw a huge bird fly across from left to right. And then it flew from right to left. And then it screeched.

The bird was mum mum’s hand.

“What are you looking at?!” mum said hotly. “I waved twice but no reaction! Have you perfected the art of sleeping with your eyes open or what?”

“No mum, you see this problem…I was thinking about it.” I said trying to explain.

“I think there is something wrong with you, who were you looking at? Is there any girl outside?” she said trying to peek out of the window.

“No mum, don’t be stupid!” She always had a habit of jumping to conclusions and far fetched ones at that.

“There is nobody out side, I was just looking at the cats and dogs there.” I said.

“WHAT!?” asked my sister, horrified.

“You know very well what I mean!” I told her and she went away smirking.

Mum looked bemused but that didn’t prevent her from venting her anger.


Before leaving for office Mum looked at me solemnly.

“Rick, don’t waste the day just because your tests are finished. These are important times, ever minute is important-“

She couldn’t finish because I had rushed to my room to utilize that very minute.

“Rick! Come over here right now!” she said impatiently.

“Yes?” I asked innocently as if nothing had happened.

“You won’t play games in the P.C for more than two hours.”

“Right.” I said with the most serious expression I could muster.

“And you won’t go out for more than 2 hrs either.” She continued.

“Right!” I repeated.

“And why should I trust you?” She asked shrewdly.

“Mum” I said “how can I forget that you are the main reason I am here? Do you think I can disobey you?” I said.

She just stared at me before shaking her head.

That's how my day begins.


Rara Avis said...

You have a sister? How come you never mentioned her!

And hey, this is hilarious!! And you said u can't write half as well as Kiki! I assure you this is quite close to half! (
lol! :P)

Rara Avis said...

And your mum came first in the Madhyamiks?! That's why you call her "enlightened"? Oh, poor you! *sympathies!*

Dev said...

cousin sis...i did mention her. And thank u, sympathies accepted.

Rara Avis said...

Oh, HER? The one who paid me that wonderful compliment? Urmi or s'thing? And tell Aniv to keep it up! I could do with his presence here for a few days! (Yeah, I know I'm repeating myself, but I just can't help find him amazing!)
And are you sure there WASN'T a girl outside?

Pray continue! Make sure you include all the details of your day; don't even omit the singing-in-the-roof and love-at-first-sight thingy!

Rara Avis said...

TWO HOURS!! She allows you to play for two hours, AND go out for another two hours!!!!!!! WHAT A MOTHER YOU'VE GOT, RIDDLE! And to think I offered you my sympathies! I take them back!

Btw, you have a habit of using particular words in a sentence which makes it a masterpiece. I like the use of the "groggily", it adds a diff mood to the sentence.

"I thought maybe he was trying to have fun trying to read the long words." You KNOW how path that sounds, right? How many times do I tell you to read your blog just once before/after posting it?

The opening, that description of a dream, is simply great, you know. I thought I'd remain stingy with compliments as I always am, but right now, I read it again, and well, I wish I could write like that...

P.S. Remember I made a promise of not commenting on your blogs any more?
Well, I'll solemnly promise that I'll never make promises again!

Kiki said...

lol! same situation at home as well.. but thankfully my mum doesnt yet accuse me of staring at boys outside.. i love ur blog!

Dev said...

@ ravis - thank u! well my mum is somewhat liberal after d exams... dont think this goes on throughout the year...!

@Kiki- thank you!i suspect my mum revels in teasing me...

Chandrajit Rudra said...

Pretty humourous though. Try writing on websites with ur name on it. Dat would help you become well known by search giant Google.