Tuesday, November 25, 2008

i commence (this is a statutory warning)

Its always the beginning that i am so unsure about so i am writing whatever i can so that i can get over this part. Yeah, i am 15 crawling toward 16 with what seems like pathetic speed but i am not complaining. Before i turn 16, and there is a good chance that i wont, I'll have to go through 25th Feb. Please bear with me while i ramble a bit, you know, a little of this and a little of that, both "this" and "that" being trash. I am not sure of the exact purpose of a blog. i read some and found out everyone had plenty to write about something or the other while i sit here chewing the other end of a pencil even though i am typing. yes, that is who i am.
But acting on a left handed compliment of a friend i decide that i will write though my last blog in class six was as successful as i am at singing*. So i start.
There is something i want to clarify.i am confused. I often think i have split personalities or maybe its just varying moods. Who knows? i am confused. And another thing, to different people i am a different guy. i mean to some i appear a gentleman(honestly!) while to some i am the most irritating guy( course i am lying).i even come across as person of taciturn disposition while to some i am prolix(no kidding!). So, even i dont really know whether i myself know me well. i mean yes, i have perfect control over all my mental faculties and can move my left leg when i want to but i often come across as a stranger to myself.
*For reff. i CANT sing.

So i wonder whether i know me. I mean who's the real me? the talkative type or the quiet? the good guy or the bad guy? should i be same all the time or should i continue like i do? and why do i behave like i do? these are my questions and if anyone out there has an answer, c'mon someone must be as bad a nutcase as i am, then please explain.
So that was the end of the beginning, now i can continue if the people tortured by my blog permit.


Rara Avis said...

Firstly, the spelling of "of course" is wrong on your profile and I'm starting to have doubts about the truth of what you said about that being a typo.
Secondly, you do not write "You are not very far of the mark". You either write "off the mark" or "wide of the mark".
Thirdly, your profile description is full of grammatical errors.
Fourthly, my punctuation lesson has had absolutely no effect on you. That makes me really disappointed.
Fifthly, the word "reference" is spelt with ONE "f". So when you're abbreviating it, you write "ref" and not "reff".
Sixthly, even if it's too much trouble to put commas at the right places, at least have the decency to begin each sentence with a capital letter.
Seventhly, Read the whole post at least once over to get rid of the true typos.
Eighthly, I had much more to say, but I'm so sick of commenting that I'll stop here! Also, "seventhly" and "eighthly" are wrong English.

Rara Avis said...

P.S. Forgot to say the most important thing(just like me, lol!)

Dev said...

@ ravis.
why thank u! as u already know...my punctuation has attained the supreme stage of pathification. it takes time to descend from tht stage...u must make allowances....

Unknown said...

Yeah, we're "forewarned, forearmed", so don't worry, and just keep on writing!

Great Blog. :)

Rohitashwa said...

From a rambler to a rambler: Always be a rambler!!..Cause there's a lot of meaning behind that rambling..!

Dev said...

oh thank u rambler. this rambler appreciates the thoughts behind the rambling.

Kiki said...

hey.. loved your blog for the absolute pointless ness of it.. keep blogging :)

Dev said...

@ kiki
oh thank u!
pointlessness was the entire point of the blog!!