Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Those who come and those who go.

You leave a kid beside an old dusty bedraggled car. When you return you'll inevitably find a wide smiling face on the glass panes of the car. And other interesting nonsensical figures. On a good day. On a bad day, well, just a face.

A very interesting habits noticed in toddlers. Give them a bowl of puffed rice. Its an inherent curiosity, i believe, which is responsible for this action. Without delay, they overturn the bowl. Once they have all the constituents on the floor, they derive a very curious satisfaction in eating the rice grains one by one. Searching for them, examining them(with the tip of their tongue jutting out of the corner of their mouth), and them popping them into their mouth.


A distant relative of mine, who was 105, passed away yesterday. I met her once, 7 years ago. She was 98 then.
She was suffering from multiple diseases, so death, in a way, was a relief for her. But thats not i wish to discuss.
A lady who saw 105 springs in her life. A lady who is a history in herself. A lady who had the endurance to withstand the death of 8 of her kin, both younger and older. And the lady who witnessed the birth of a larger number still.

A lady who celebrated* a centenary birthday. A lady who lived through, what we call, a "lifetime" of experiences. And how!

*She actually smiled and recognised MOST people who visited her on her birthday. The number ran well into triple figures.


Rohan said...

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo, eh Rick?
Very esoteric post you have here,my man. The lady you described must have been a really interesting person though: if not for anything else, for the events she witnessed at least.
And please: be influenced by Arundhati Roy, but don't imitate her. You haven't done that, but you seem to like her writing to the point of reverence.

Dev said...

I do?! Sheesh! I will be careful! Of course, i don't want to imitate her! But yeah, i do love writing. Please do tell me if you think this persists in the next post.

Rara Avis said...

You aren't writing like AR at all! What nonsense on Rohan's part!