Sunday, March 8, 2009

Decadence. (I honestly didnt find any relation between the title and the post but then, thats the point.)

I want to write a long long blog post. Yes, inspite of those invariable "sighs!" and "oofs!" and "oh dear"s i will write. It will involve a lot of digression of course, since when has "to the point" been my forte,huh? It was written umpteen number of times in those little white sheets that i smeared with inscrutable shit(for want of a better word)for the past few days but i efficiently ignored it each and every time. And so, coming back to the point(what point? very intelligent question indeed, but most good writers do so, to create an atmosphere of relative importance) i want to write a long long post.

What is the essence of a long post?- My analytical mind asks me. The essence of a long post is the length, my analytical mind tells me. I decide to put my mind to rest, temporary shut down. Permanent shut down wont be preferable for the greater good, what will the world do without me? its not like Subhas Chandra is still around to look after things. So temporary shut down. Now, begins the mindless talk. (As you can see my mindful talk is the quintessence of excitement, if all this excitement is enough for you, take my advice and check out the next blog. The following part will be too exciting for you. I know what this feels like, i had to proof read this thing.)

1. Amitava Ghosh writes really well. But i dont know the meaning of importuning. So i wont read Amitava Ghosh now, the dictionary is five steps away. FIVE STEPS. Too much work, literally as well as mechanically.

2. Forest Gump is an excellent movie but Dad is sitting in my room playing his part in a "man to man" talk. He is turning too serious for my liking. And forest Gump is er, not so watchable in front of dad.

3. Three friends gave me their opinions on the guitar that i should buy. That was just what i needed to decide. Now i have a most clear cut idea. Three clear cut idea(s) to be precise. Even my mindless brain tells me that its "back to square one".

4. The thing about maths is that one needs to have brains to do it. Limit of hindsight, wont you agree?

5. The thing about fun is one just needs to take out the time and have it. I dont care whether you agree or not, I am in the mood for some drastic fun. Drastic insensible fun.

-On the verge of madness.(this is a metaphor, mind, it doesn't mean what it means.)


Rohan said...

Forrest Gump... hee hee, you should try watching Crazy/Beautiful with your dad in the same room.
You revealed yourself in this post, Rick my man, you became an artist here.
And fun! Let's all have fun! A lot of fun!

Rara Avis said...

What's Forst Gump? I wanna watch it!
FUN! YES! LET'S ALL HAVE FUN! I'm in the mood for drastic, insensible fun too! So I'll write all of you a mail about how we can have fun!

This blog post, as a blog post, is fantastic! I'm gonna blog today too!

And er, you are now beggining to draw Indonesian fans? Why, Scandinavian blondes aren't too far away, then! Keep blogging feverishly! You finally have a stimulus stronger than the comments of well-known friends!