Thursday, April 23, 2009

The lengend of bxtp

It was a fine day. I was having a chat with Mr. Roroschach. He was in a particularly irritating mood, subjecting me to unabashed sycophancy to which i, i have to admit, replied with equal enthusiasm. In course of our chat, Roro suddenly said- "Tor hobe".

Nothing smart occurred to me and i too replied-"tor o hobe."

That, my dea/er ladies and gentlemen, is when it all began.

Another fine day. I say "fine" to accentuate that it was finer that most so called fine days.

I was playing a game with Roro in which we were telling each other -"tor hobe".
In the midst of this thrilling game, Roro, in a moment of fey madness, stumbled upon a brilliant question.

"kano hobe?" he asked. The question that triggered it all.

"Because, mate, you have the thing." I said in high spirits. Like most great people, it hit us seconds later.

"Can you name it, and thus limit the thing?" asked Roro.

"No, i cannot. Since i cannot name it, it has to have a unpronounceable name. So lets give it a name." I replied gravely, for i had realised that potential of "the thing".

"LKDIOBDFLKNIDOUVIFVDFIBLNIOPH" offered Roro. Now, ladies and gentlemen, Roro is a fine lad, highly accomplished in a number of things. However, i refuse to concede that he has any talent in nomenclature.

"I want to make it unpronounceable phonetically, my man, not aesthetically revolting!" i said, disgusted. "Lets name it bxtp. Short and to the point", i said.

"bxtp it is!" agreed Roro.

And hence, bxtp was born.

bxtp cannot be defined. Lets get the facts straight. We didn't invent it. We discovered it, and named it. And er, that doesn't undermine our achievement. It was, um, a stroke of genius.

Heres an explanation in FAQ format.

Q: What is bxtp?

A: Bxtp is a part of you. Its inside you, beside you, around you. It encompasses you, it fills you. The exact nature has not been ascertained, but Roro, in collaboration with some leading members of MESSIAH*, is developing the Metaphysioscpoe that will enable us to study the bxtp.

Mr Cat, the leading man in the field of "everything" in general, tried to describe it in this fashion. "It deals with potentail, creativity, innate goodness, the consciousness."

The closest description would be that it is a combination of sensitivity, potential, creativity, innate goodness, the consciousness AND the subconsciousness. With a certain amount of Luck and the supernatural that causes the little miracles in our otherwise mundane life.

*MESSIAH-Members enforcing Secret Senses in and around Humans.

Q:How does bxtp work?

A: bxtp is ingrained in you. It influences your decision. It directs your action. It encourages you, discourages you. It holds you back and propels you.

We are in the process of developing certain laws which will simplify the study of bxtp and its idiosyncrasies.

On critical analysis of bxtp, it was uncovered that bxtp changes with age. Although the exact demarcation of "age" hasn't been determined, every age has a new and developed bxtp. They may be similar in nature or Totally different from the old bxtp. Now, during the transition phase when an individual has to relinquish the old bxtp and accept a new bxtp, a number of unique changes are noticed. This phase can change an individual dramatically.

So on the basis of this observation we formulated the first law of bxtp:

Person remaining constant, the bxtp develops in direct proportion with age.

Q: How many types of bxtp are there?

A:6.5 billion.

Q:Can anyone lose their bxtp? damage it, enhance it?

A:T'is impossible. bxtp is a part of you. Yes, if you manage to kill yourself, you'll lose your bxtp. We haven't done that experiment yet, but you're welcome to volunteer.

Q: The discovery of bxtp is revolutionary?

A: Thats not a question.


Rohitashwa said...

"However, i refuse to concede that he has any talent in nomenclature." - Let me go back to the old line. I despise you. Joke, no joke.

Unknown said...

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, Roro is a fine lad, highly accomplished in a number of things. However, i refuse to concede that he has any talent in nomenclature"

The only strikingly amazing nomenclature from his part would have to be, I admit, "path". Apart from that? Well, nothing really.

So NOW I get what you mean by "bxtp". Very informative, really. It's been a morning full of laughs, apparently! First Raktima's marriage, now this! lol..

Thank you, I've seldom had better mornings (except the one which comprised of waking up at 10.30 morning, and having icecream - choco cornetto too - for breakfast)

Rohan said...

Second Law of bxtp:
In case of any accident/calamity/disaster/plain screwing-up-incident; bxtp not only regenerates, it allows a person to overcome said unfortunate event and rise stronger. It cannot decrease.

Rara Avis said...

I still don't get it. Okay, I'm dumb. But still!

And your writing skill HAS to go on improving with every post, huh? :-/

Rohitashwa said...

yes, rohan, i agree. But since its a law, we have to shorten that up.

@ Deya: I'm afraid I don't get you. How much is one supposed to contribute to the field of nomenclature in all of just about seventeen years?

Kiki said...

the concept of bxtp, is, obviously, very cool. i neednt repeat that. a question, is bxtp measurable? i mean, can you give some random online test and find out ur bxtp? interesting. very interesting.

i side with roro. that name wasnt that bad.. but bXtp has the X-factor!

Rohan said...

Second Law of Bxtp:
Bxtp regenerates in case a person screws up, allowing him/her to overcome said unfortunate event and grow stronger.

Third Law of Bxtp:
Bxtp doesn't decrease. It can't. Ever

Unknown said...

mindlessly appreciated

Unknown said...

@didi- Ei to comment hoche! what was that about me banning you and stuff, huh? Lame excuse!