Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When i locked the door yesterday, i had a weird feeling. Doubtless that i have locked many a door before, but this time, i had a weird sense of deja vu. The way the shaft of light fell on the lock and the way the key hung, its ring swinging like a hapless pendulum...there was something strange about it all. And the net effect could have been disastrous, i almost forgot to lock the door in all that quiet mayhem.

I have a very pertinent question that i wish to ask of the experts. How do they take blurred pictures in cameras superbly equipped with anti-blur mechanisms? One can understand that most people like recognisable photos, but there must be blasted option to turn that thing off. I like my face looking like melting ice cream. So what? My face, my ice cream.

I am not really into politics. But i read the newspapers. I want to ask something, and its a pretty straightforward question. Do Politicians really think before talking? That is all.

Mother is leaving for a couple of days.
Me and dad were pottering about doing her bidding when suddenly she addressed us in the voice that is the precursor of interesting happenings in our home.
"I will be leaving for a few days. You WILL be able to manage, right?" She said looking at us with conflicting emotions. Pity, exasperation, fear(not for us, for the house.I have very good reasons to believe so.)

"Not to worry, Madame. My Comrade here is an exceedingly amiable chappie. Be sure to leave a few instant coffees in the kitchen and he'll be very easy to manage. Besides, with an able housekeeper like me, he really cant do much." i said affably. I took a quick look at my dad. Highly reminiscent of a guppy, he was.

"And what about you?" she asked, refusing to smile though i could detect faint, almost imperceptible, twitches in the neighbourhood of her lips.

"I will just potter around doing this and that. Please let your mind be tranquil, for i have very healthy plans for the next few days." I said pleasantly.

"You must stop reading that book! You are so insufferable!" She said, now smiling.

"And i don't like being called comrade. Least of all by my son." added my dad.

"That, my good lady and gentleman, is out of question. I plan to grow up into (a) Psmith. The quintessence of intelligence and Suavity!" I said, "Now, you must excuse me, for though i find your company very pleasurable, I somehow have a mad craving for the sunshine outside."

Quote of the day (subhojit Sir): Engineering does not mean pouring oil into the Engine.

I have developed a very succinct phrase that describes how I am when shut indoor for the greater part, beg your pardon, WHOLE of the day. Nothing brilliant, but its accurate, you have to admit. '3D-Disoriented, disjointed, disgruntled.'

Nice. A good morning to you all.


Rara Avis said...

What happened to your writing style? *Frown*

You're improving. You're changing. NOW, you're weird. Truly!

Dev said...

What are you frowning at? The change or the improvement?!
They are interrelated, anyway. I was always weird. Its a just a change in the weirdology. The nature, deer.