Thursday, January 8, 2009

Laws of Time part IV

...The Memory...

He had just finished his last assignment and was taking the day off. It was almost a year since he got the weapon. And since then, he had succeeded in every mission he undertook and much quicker than reasonably expected. He had made extensive research about the weapon but did not unearth anything significant. He was not so keen to let the entire world know about his weapon and even less keen to let them know how he got it. The few experts he contacted, vehemently disagreed that such a weapon existed and he had seen no reason to convince them otherwise. So, he was still quite unaware how, where, and when the weapon had been manufactured.
But his astute mind had found out all the facilities the weapon had to offer. Like the option to mould the weapon into his hand.Or, the options to shoot through stone, steel, titanium…you name it. Or, the one he had found most handy, the weapon become invisible at his wish. He could walk into any territory without raising any alarm but holding a weapon better than that age had to offer.
And here, laid his discontentment. He had a weapon better than the age had to offer but he knew nothing about its history. He simply couldn’t rest without knowing all about his gun. And so, that day, he had decided to show the gun to an expert for the first time. He had considered and reconsidered this decision many times and came to the conclusion that it was the only possible way he could get what he wanted.
Mercenaries often need custom made guns for some assignments. There were many experts who existed precisely for that purpose. And among them, the best was Fox. An eccentric man, no doubt, but brilliant as well. And this was the man whom Danny went to meet. If anyone could tell him about the weapon, it would be Fox.
Fox was paranoid about security.Through the years, all the alarms that he had raised claiming there was an intruder in his house had been hoaxes, without exception. He lived in a bungalow that was surrounded by a 20 foot high wall and with two feet electric wire on top, that conducted no less than 5000 volts. And off-course, infra red alarms and heat sensitive automatic guns were fixed at strategic positions. He had 3 guards, all veterans in the business, and all of them had the instruction as well as the the authority to shoot anyone at sight. Outside this bungalow, Danny got out of his car and stood in front of the gate staring at a camera. Soon, with a loud grating noise the mechanical gate began to slide sideways and a security officer appeared beside it and ushered him in. He quietly followed the guard, his weapon invisible on his arm. The guard took him to the door of the bungalow through a narrow path that wound around various mines and guns. As Danny peered around, he marveled at the weapons around him. Each of them was the very latest in the market and extremely dangerous. He did not envy any intruder who stumbled in these grounds.
Soon he was standing at the door which opened at once and Fox’s manservant appeared.
“Are you carrying any weapons, Sir?” he asked.
“No.” replied Danny. But he knew the question was purely perfunctory as he would have to walk through four or five detectors anyway.
“Please come this way, sir.” he said and stepped aside to reveal a series of arms detectors.
Danny walked through everyone one of them confidently, because he was sure that his gun was undetectable. And just as he went through the last one, a voice sounded sharply to his left.
“Stop! Hands up, Danny.” Said a grizzly old man with a bald head and wearing horn rimmed spectacles.
Danny turned to see Fox aiming a revolver at him and eyeing him malevolently.
“What is this, Fox?” asked Danny, growing slightly uncomfortable.
“Did you think I would forget the humiliation, huh? You think I could forget that?
“What are you talking about, Fox? What humiliation?” Danny was growing more worried by the minute, because Fox was a man who killed someone first and asked questions later. He nervously gripped his gun and prepared to leap, in case Fox fired.
“Don’t pretend Danny, you know it as well as I do but I WILL kill you today!” and he squeezed the trigger.
Danny leapt aside but the gun emitted an innocuous click. And fox roared with laughter.
“Just my old trick, Danny m’boy, but from the look on your face you fell for it!”
“I must admit, Fox, your acting skills have improved, but coming back to business, I have a rather delicate problem for you.” said Danny.
“What kind of a problem, Danny? You know I have retired from my job, I don’t make no weapons no more.”
“Oh, but you'll help me in this, I'm sure you will.”
“Eh? You're sure? Well then go ahead. What is it?”
“Well then, prepared to be surprised because I have a weapon on me.”
“Right, and Napoleon was my father. You can’t pass any weapon in existence, through that door”, he said, pointing to the last detector that Danny had passed through.
“A’ right, what’s this then?” asked Danny as the gun materialized on his arm.
Fox turned pale, really pale. He had built that security system himself and was sure that no weapon could pass them and now seeing this piece of metal that passed right through them…to say the least, it unnerved him. And of course the fundamental question:Where the hell did the gun come from?
“I-Impossible! That can’t be a weapon!” he stammered disbelievingly.
“Oh, but it is.”said Danny, enjoying himself.
“Here, look”, he said pointing to the vase at the corner and blasting it.
Fox began to tremble and very badly at that. That was due to the combination of three reasons. Firstly, he was convinced that Danny was holding a gun(or was he? Fox couldn’t see his hand, the gun jutted out of his arm and that terrified him all the more). Secondly, he didn’t see any kind of bullet or projectile or laser that hit his vase and thirdly, that was his favourite vase, an 16th century antique from china.


Rohan said...

The song "Tombstone Blues" has a line which goes like this:
"The sun's not yellow, it's chicken".
I loved the bit about Napoleon: you're trying out some really difficult literary tricks here my man!
I know the feeling that you don't know where it's going. The story takes control at some point.

Chandrajit Rudra said...
