I just remembered that Charlie Chaplin wasn't a good father. Highly inconsequential, isn't it? We don't remember Charlie Chaplin because he was an exemplary father but as the best comedian ever, one who bestowed the gift of laughter on the people of the world when they needed it the most. The god of comedy. He made the world laugh without uttering a single word. A pioneer. A legend. And yet... his son never felt close to him. Years of neglect led his son to grow bitter and write an article on his father, an unusual article that shed light on the lesser known aspects of Chaplin's life. That too, years after Chaplin died. But its inconsequential, isn't it?
A pioneer. A legend.
This is shockingly marvellous!...
Inconsequential. yes, the things that don't make the headlines, the things that develop away from the camera, away from history books. But they still happened.
Incredible!..No glaring punctuation errors, and full of startling insight into the irony of our world!..Marvellous, rick!..
and, er, um, well - what about the 'fiction'?..How far into it?
Seconding Roro. (no time to post a long comment, tho i'd hav liked to. rohan online...bujhtei parchis!)
this was.. well.. different..no comments
"rohan online...bujhtei parchis"
No,I cannot understand.
She means that she was at Deyasini's place when she was commenting. And so she had to hurry and write briefly.
Third Roro! Wow.. this was.. doesnt leave space for comments really.
hey, no fair!..I won't allow 3 "roros" to roam about. Its a rare name, see.
That was NOT for YOU to understand, Rohan.
And who asked you to explain, Riddle?
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