Friday, January 23, 2009

Popular Opinion.

Yes, this is basically a little post in which i will write about me. Or, more accurately, some comments about me, comments that, fortunately, were made in my presence.

My Hindi teachers daughter,Tanya, a 7 year old morally upright young lady, was studying. I was seated in a chair beside, copying notes. Aunty was out of earshot. I decided it wouldn't hurt to listen to good music alongside.

So, i put the earphones in my ear and began copying, now enjoying the process. A few moments later i found Tanya eying me critically.
"What?" i asked.
"Is this how you study?" She asked sanctimoniously.
It feels wonderful to be chided by a girl less than half my age. Take my word for it.

My mum was considering me thoughtfully. Never a good sign, except on extremely rare occasions.
I was feeling uncomfortable under her unwavering gaze.
"What?" i asked her, irritated.
"You know, you are a very innocent boy. Kids your age are so..."
The rest ,as I say, is immaterial. I had a quiet laugh to myself after i earnestly nodded and smiled at Mum. (This satisfies your curiosity, Timmy?)

I was coming home with the grocery. A couple of kids were playing Football on the road. One of them, whose aim was, at best, unorthodox, kicked the ball at me. When i was about to kick the ball back, displaying a small portion of my scintillating repertoire of football tricks, one of them called.
"Kaku, ball."

I think they told their mum that a tall boy from so and so house smacked them upside the head. I don't care. I'm sixteen and i don't look like any kaku, whosoever.

Roro smsed me.
"Rick, my man, your posts are a hell of a lot more mature than they were before."
Mum's still wondering why i grinned throughout the day and night.

The Food was taking a long time to make an appearance. i was eying all the other table loaded with dishes with undisguised envy.

Then i saw it. A magnificent looking chicken preparation on a table. I stared at it.
"You shouldn't stare at a girl in public." Mother told me, bursting my chicken fantasy with a echoing pop. I looked intently. There was a girl sitting behind that chicken, frowning at me.
Further, i saw that mum had remarked rather loudly. Dad, Aunt, Uncle were looking at me. Glee was etched unmistakably on my Uncle's face.
I discovered that my ear turned tell-tale red when i'm under pressure. Thankfully, i have long hair.
But, all in all, a very memorable night, if you know what i mean. I wont forget it in a hurry.

My little 8 year old cousin came to visit after 3 years.
"Wow, you have grown up a lot!" I said ebulliently.(Well, i know, it was quite stupid, but i had to say something.)
His answer wiped the smile right off my face.
"Well, you haven't particularly shrunk yourself."*

*I later found out that there's a joke that goes like that. Sheesh.


Rohan said...

Rick, my man, you scare me every single day with these minor masterpieces of yours.
They called you 'Kaku', right? The same thing happened to me, and this chit of a boy actually called me 'Sir'!
About the chicken and the girl- hee hee.

Dev said...

Gee, thanks. Well, you can hee-hee but i assure you it was most embarrassing for me.

Rohitashwa said...

Yup. This was a masterpiece, definitely. Especially the way you designed it. Getting better by the minute!(er, post.)

Rara Avis said...

Yes, that does satisfy my curiosity. But...
I'm NOT sure it was the chicken you were looking at! Who was it? Wing Ho or Wang Ho? Out with the secret or off with your head!!

Yes, the posts get smarter and better everyday.